Friday, April 20, 2018

A Man; A Root, Too-- Ranama!

Got all this stuff I brought back from college, and now I also need to field all the stuff of mine we'd been keeping in the garage, because now we're clearing out the garage and so all that stuff of mine needs to be put elsewhere as well. Not getting rid of it though. Even as I make the futile effort to outrun some of my past, it turns out a lot of it is yeah stuff I really want to hang on to??

Contemplating this, I looked at a root, which had thorns coming off of it for some reason, and got deja vu, the past overlapping the present. 

The root is symbolic. I don't know what the thorns mean, what does any thorn mean, but the root is probably also symbolic of like root-type stuff.

Or not. It was just a buried thing, some branch of a tumbleweed that had gotten impossibly thick, and gotten crushed and caked under layers of dirt. Not a root at all. But something I could have sworn to seeing once before.

I found them though. All the drawings I'd looked for and hadn't been able to before. I've mentioned a few of them before; here for one, at least, here; and I probably would have mentioned more had I found these before. The first time I ever drew myself with a skunk's body, and a couple times that later canonized this depiction. Is something I would have talked about.

Other than that there's a... I mean things are... heck I've run out of things to say; I just didn't want to end this post on the skunk note is all.


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