Thursday, September 12, 2019


I think about exposition and what constitutes it a lot. Exposition as opposed to narrative. 

I'm talking about this because something's been happening I haven't brought up, though it started Sunday and there was room for it in Sunday's post it wasn't a definitive thing, and it still isn't I guess but things are happening from there, a li'l li'l fruit is being borne. I'm more open to talking about possible dead ends in my journal Doc, but I haven't talked about it there either yet, though both my latest blog post here and entry there were on Sunday.

This exposition needs to take place in both places then; guess I can, copy/paste it from my blog to the other place when the time comes. 

Cramping up, super anxious. stupid bloodless laptop battery. Pants feel dirty. can't launder all pants at once because what would I wear?, also different colors and I like to wash those separately.

So on Sunday buncha people at church for Thomas's mission farewell and setting apart, and Dad talked to somebody or something, about man I don't know, so anyway in the car home he asked what he and Mom could do to support me in finding an occupation, and 
I said man I've been saying I want to filmmake for like my whole life, what's that John guy who was at dinner that one time, could you get me in touch with him, and he said he could.

And he texted him, instead of giving me the contact and letting me navigate it myself????, and occasionally he was all, here you text him at this part, but Dad's phone is gross and I don't like touching it, like the grade of plastic is one of those that I hate touching and also I don't trust Dad to keep his phone sanitized, and also the parts of the text I was supposed to do I really don't see how I could have done a better job than what he was. So on Sunday there was some negotiation there, Dad selling me up, and on Wednesday I got set up to meet this morning.

And so that happened, and the filmmaker guy's project begins preproduction next week probably. I mean, it's already been in preproduction, but, for realsies this time, like, preproduction. Things are looking pretty good for me to get in floor level on that, just as a rando worker grunt, but, this is living the dream already.

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