Sunday, November 24, 2019

A Few Articles from Around

  • This combines a few of my favorite things in an interesting way. Like that whole Corrupted Blood thing on WoW, everything being virtual and thus being able to scrub back through the history of this and track developments as they cascade? Wish they'd gone into more detail/that there were more journalism on the topic in the first place (it's the idea of the thing more than this specific article, though the article itself is fun and breezy for what it is,) but, heck, I also wish there were more journalism on that Black Cauldron-themed restaurant they had at Disneyland back in the early 90s, so, like... 
  • speaking of... It was called Gurgi's Munchies and Crunchies, and this blogpost is about the most comprehensive reportage of it as exists in the world, which is sad, because if there were this, like, Power Broker-length book on nothing but that restaurant I would still totally read that book because I love the idea of that resto so much.
  • So this is happening, and it's concerning as someone who's a fan of movies, and of going to the movies, and who works at a movie theater that shows old movies sometimes, including yes Rocky Horror at least once a year. Louder for those in the back, I firmly believe that Disney ri'now have all too much power and someone needs to stay their sinful hand. But anyway.
  • Alexander Pushkin was mixed race apparently? And is a black icon? And his grea'grea'grandaddy was a spy? And it's like, sheesh, right when you think somebody can't be any cooler, they totally can be. The Calvert Journal is this journal of culture and photography focusing on the New East (Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Russia, Central Asia) and it's pretty fascinating because these geo issues aren't things you see in the West much but they're our cousins so it's like, hey wow. 
  • Man there's still so much neat stuff in the world.

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