Sunday, October 29, 2023

So There Was A Weird Brownout Or Something 12:00 AM Friday...

I've only been doing one post a month this year generally, but since the October tradition seems to be do the Spooky Short Story on the 31st BUT WITH ALSO an introductory post on the 30th explaining my inspirations and everything, I figured I could also do a life update here, and those two things to- and over- morrow! Last year's Spooky Story did not actually get published! That will be rectified shortly!

So I'm writing this on the fantastic craptacular batteryless old MacBook because it looks like my computer, the one on which I'm finishing off my Very Ongoing Project, is kaput again. Won't turn on, and plugging it in anywhere the internal systems briefly whir up before plonking off again. (Like, the fan whirs on and the tiny green light on the back comes on, it thinks for five seconds, and the fan immediately unceremoniously stops whirring, the green light shutting itself off with a "plonk!") But it's been in this situation before, and it's come back from this situation before, so I'm not worried about that- just hopefully the data isn't in the state it had been during aforementioned time, requiring pretty expensive processes to call back from the darkness.

But anyway I guess I'm going to have to write those two other posts this week also on this laptop, meanwhile, which is fine. And move back the date again for the completion of the Very Ongoing Project, if it is to be completed at all by this point. I'd hate to disappoint those people I'd contacted in the course of research and rights management, but, well we'll see what the status is on the computer once we get it looked at, won't we. 

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