Friday, August 26, 2016

I am Not a Serial Killer (I am Not George Kaplan, Either)

So. Under normal circumstances, this would be the post where I give you all of my impressions about the I am Not a Serial Killer movie, now that it's available for rental and is being distributed to cinemas (the of course ideal way to go see it.) So iTunes is of course doing that weird thing where it refuses to play your rental...

Allegedly restarting will do something about that, allegedly deauthorizing the account and then reauthorizing it will do something about that, allegedly opening up the mini-player will do something about that... I've tried all those, uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes three times, juggling between computers and accounts, seeing if QuickTime would work like it's also supposed to... Twelve hours, two downloads of HD and one download of SD later, and I'm thinking maybe I should rent over Amazon or Google Play or Vudu instead... but I don't have credit in any of those things, I do have credit in iTunes, and outside of that I can barely afford a, I don't know, something cheap, I'm pretty broke right now. It's great that I'm actually patronizing the film (or, errr, providing patronage to?) but it'd still be nice to be able to give my honest view or recommendation on the subject so that I can spread the word in actual good faith. Though I already know how much I'm going to love it anyway... I don't know, actually seeing the thing would at least facilitate honest recommendation.

I've read the books though? And though I haven't seen it, I'm predisposed to it, no matter what I was totally going to recommend it in this post anyway...

It's like SeaFall. The response is beginning to come in, and, at least in the early stages of the game (cover your ears!) it's like sure it's introducing new rules and stuff as it goes, but there's not really much legacy-ing in the first handful of games? But that actually sounds intriguing, and makes the experience better, more intriguing, for me. The game's focus is on exploration, and development, and in-game triggers are caused by actual player choices, seems like, players dictating the story more than the story dictating players. Leisurely yet exciting, and once again definitely not something to be binged?

So, John Wayne Cleaver. Support it. If that's your, you know, kind of thing. Though I seriously haven't seen it...

Movie night unable to be I am Not a Serial Killer, I watched North by Northwest instead.

Great music, courtesy of who else but Bernard Herrmann. Saul Bass on the title sequence, excellent per the usual. Ernest Lehman, of course, one of the all-time greatest screenwriters. Alfred Hitchcock at the top of his considerable game. The cast are fantastic as well obviously.

Is that... is that Cary Grant's real accent? Since when? I mean, I guess it has been awhile since I last saw anything he's in, but you figure I'd remember something like that. It reminds me exactly of Tony Curtis's putting on of that ridiculously affected "Shell Oil Jr" voice in Some Like it Hot in his billionaire disguise... actually come to think of it there's just as much makeouts in that movie too... Marilyn Monroe versus Eva Marie Saint, though, that's a tough call...

Day later EDIT: Also, just remembered, don't both movies have a line where a male character mentions some variation of, "it must be my womanly intuition," under radically different circumstances but there is that too.

So yeah. North by N- I am Not a Serial Killer.

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