Thursday, November 10, 2016

Sean Caulfield, Printmaker

Alright, so it is pretty awesome that Luc Besson is coming out with a new movie next summer. But it is super concerning that there's already a fantastic trailer for it out, and everything. Will we soon be seeing Spider-Man trailers spammin' at us? If so, is there any way to fight against it???...

Ah, who cares.

So there was the fourth out of five art seminar this evening. Canadian printmaker Sean Caulfield- I don't have any photos of him but I did just link to his website right there. Click it up.

Usually there's a workshop the morning after the seminar, generally starting at 10:00 which is unfortunate this semester because that's when I've got art/chem, but since Professor Caulfield is heading back to Alberta on a plane tomorrow, and was in town today, the workshop was, today. Up in the printmaking lab. And, surprise! I could make that.

Alright, I did have my religion class square in the middle of that, and I didn't learn about it until 45 minutes after it started (mmm naps) and I still had a little bit of my religion class reading left to do, but I managed to squeeze in a few minutes watching him explain some advanced Chine-collĂ© technique before I had to head off, and I did make it back to them after class as well. They were pasting up prints on the wall- one long print on six sheets of paper, this guy, posted up with rice paste which comes off really easily just rewetting it.

The print's still there- 9:30 tomorrow morning he's coming to demonstrate removing them as well, so until that time, BYU-Idaho has its own original Sean Caulfield on display.

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