It snowed some today. Um, also for some reason everyone today had a North Dakota accent? I mean, my roommates are from Alaska and, like someplace else but slipping into a Canadian accent sometimes, but like everyone else I encountered today, for a chunk there, had a northern sort of accent as well, as did I. The Fargoing has begun I guess?
Prince Pretzels was a featured background character in today's page of Furry Experience. I'm finally just what I've always wanted to be, a black guy! Um, ish. Also a white guy.
Also, gotta get me a hat like that...
Also speaking of FE there had been an art livestream thing tonight but it got postponed due to technical stoof, so I'm just going to have to have nothing on in the background while I write today's NaNoWriMo chapter.
That's so cool that you're in a comic!