Sunday, December 18, 2016

Christmas Code ~ written by Alex

Eric was tired and wanted to go to bed, so he did. He asked me to write even though I'm the one with school tomorrow. It's cool though. Always wanted to write a post for this blog. Guess you could consider it an honor?
He gave me a topic but didn't tell me how long it should be, so I'm just writing until I stop, I guess.
Also, no real edits since I have to go to bed. Just writing it and then posting it.
Anyways, each year we have a different code to crack about who has which presents. Last year, for example, each different wrapping paper was a different person. Ex. Ryan would have the Santa wrapping paper, that means all the gifts with that wrapping paper is his present.
Another year that I've been told about (I don't remember it happening (guess I was too young)) was when they put different numbers on each present. All the kids tried to figure out what each number meant. Are Hannah's the ones divisible by 3? Are Andrew's even? etc. But in the end it happened to be based on the wrapping, like the time I mentioned above. The numbers were just a Red Herring.
This year is a similar system it seems. There are different numbers on each of the boxes with us looking at each one trying to figure it all out. We (Ryan, Eric and I) got it figured out, but we won't reveal it's secrets since Andrew may be reading. He'll have to figure it out himself.
Oh, and Eric mentioned how I should mention that one scene (well, I don't think it's really a scene, but more like an event that happened) in A Christmas Story. I haven't watched it recently, so I'm basing it off what Eric said. Basically on Christmas Eve there were no presents under the tree and suddenly on Christmas day they all appeared (allegedly because Santa brought them). Eric and I agree that the system we do is far superior. It gets you thinking, it gets you pumped, it cures your boredom etc.
Yep, I think that's basically everything.
Time to go to bed.
Euge! Sum pulcherrimus! ~ Ryan


  1. Well done! I am beautiful! And yes I am reading this.

    1. You're welcome...? Hold on, I haven't actually read my own post yet, so...

  2. Love the fact that you had a guest blogger and he did such a great job. Fun.
