Saturday, December 3, 2016

Kandinsky Prince Part 2, Part 2

The past seems to be catching up to me. Or whatever. Particularly at least with this post, Kandinsky Prince Part 2, the entry which in my opinion is better but which seems to be getting fewer hits based on the analytics. But that's the one I'm talking about, and that's the one that mentions Andy Warhol, and so thus drew the attention of, which is super exciting!

Artsy is a website with the mission to make the world's art accessible to anyone with an internet connection, and so Alonzo from over there, I guess, Googled Warhol to see if he could find people with a similar mission to Artsy's, saw my post, and was all, hey if this guy's blog's readers appreciate that one Warhol Mona Lisa, then... Thirty are Better than One? That's not what he thought to himself, most likely, but, Artsy totally has that, I mean, the Warhol Mona Lisa print with thirty Mona Lisas, called Thirty Are Better than One, Artsy has that.

And so I could post that up to part one of Kandinsky Prince, today, like I'd considered doing but had no real reason to change it till now. So what he thought really was, if you appreciated the Warhol talk and art from Warhol, the Fox, and the Dream of Cages, then you'll flip over the selection of Warhol material that Artsy's got.

Here's their page on Andy Warhol, but they've got thousands of other artists too if that's not your cup of tea, both contemporary and ancient and everywhere in the middle, and you can go to specific galleries, and specific art shows, and you can find similar artists, and it's just an incredible resource. I've already discovered one or two new favorites, and definitely some awesome galleries. There's even art auctions, or you can buy art directly, or it links you to contacting the gallery that features any given work of art, so that you can ask them about it. It's just nuts how much great stuff is there.

Meanwhile from Kandinsky Prince part 2, though (I'm not saying that that post is catching up with me for only one reason, now am I,) my final print I'm working on for printmaking class is a printed version of Hatching, which I featured in talking about my dream of the cages (I also tried to do a print of that but it came out terribly, and so I'm not showing you.) Hatching looks better as a print, actually. It's this guy, if you'll recall:

but as a print that's swapped left-to-right of course, because that's what prints do:

I happened to scan my progress so far into the computer, in order to work out where to go from here, work which values to darken where, and everything, before I touch my plate again to make changes. So there's the latest print from that.

And also meanwhile, speaking of The Little Prince, it's on Netflix, and I'm totally catching it now finally.

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