Sunday, May 13, 2018

I Shot Some Deer!

Wildlife photos I took within the past month, mostly around the house. And cropped the heck out of just now, to improve their composition. No particular order, alphabetical by file name, though coincidentally they also arranged themselves into the order of the sizes of the creature depicted, from smallest to largest.

April 26th

May 5th

May 9th

May 5th

April 14th, on the roadtrip back from college
There's also some photos of, less wildlife and more, wild life, but precious few of my photos taken yesterday at the furry con turned out worth very much. There is one, though, that got me thinking, as unrelated as it may be.

May 12th of course (I also cropped this one; the guy in the background was a lot more distracting in the original cut.)
This isn't a suiter or anything, it's just a head for sale at the Lemonbrat booth. Lemonbrat are ~basically~ my favorite fursuit makers, if I ever get a professional one it'd be through them I mean look at those teeth look at that snoot the whole thing's just a perfect match for my 'sona, but that doesn't have to do with anything (thought I'd just put in a plug for them.) But looking at the photo later, scrolling through all the shots I took at the convention, is the important thing, the reason I'm bringing this up; I told you that it wasn't a suiter, but just passing by the photo thumbnail quickly, I forgot that fact, and it took me a few moments to remember the context of this photo and how the heck I was able to actually keep the thing in focus. But: even if it were a suiter, it's this thing that's full of life on its own; I see it making an expression but that's just a form of anthropomorphism itself, its face is frozen like that, and if it looks like it's giving you a cockeyed glance, that's just because they design the fursuit to have eyes sunken back so that they always appear to be following you. And all that.

And at the viewing this evening, strangely I felt the same thing. We're unused to seeing the human form so absolutely still, so it felt like Grandma could have moved at any moment, though she didn't. I had to remind myself, it was just a suit, and an empty one; there was no suiter, there was no suiter. It was just the suit.

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