Friday, December 31, 2021

Going through old posts to remove people's deadnames

Well most of it was accomplished May of this year, just updating people's pronouns and stuff and replacing their names and all that seamlessness, (seamlessness for the most part, that is,*) but only finished a few minutes ago? It was the switching of Cailin's and my correspondence to Facebook messenger, that made it difficult; where we had our Facebook-public names in the body instead of our wikispaces screennames, that introduced the difficulties I wasn't sure what to do with, from Correspondence 2/26/12 21:52 - 22:19** to Correspondence 3/25/12 22:45 - 22:56

It was like, [deadname] Anderson Taylor, when Anderson wasn't even Cailin's real middle name... So like, what to do with that?; and I decided on keeping it for the Matrix reference, trans allegory and everything, (thinking of making Resurrections my first movie of 2022) but didn't get around to making the change till GALDANG SEVEN MONTHS LATER because of executive functioning stuff.

Anyway, reading through these and looking at myself from ten years on, it's something. Like here, Correspondence 3/25/12 22:12 - 22:28 when she was thinking of naming her blog Phylum Arthropoda, or maybe Phylum Anthropoda, which doesn't make as much since so she was pivoting away from it, or maybe make it on purpose and not on accident...

Eric Perazzo

You could go back to the man foot thing, and pretend you're...

And I leave it dangling. The answer is A FURRY. pretend you're A FURRY. I couldn't even bring up being a furry to her, lest baleful looks of judgement or whatever, and she was a woman all this time and dropped so many hints about it if not outright coming out and I couldn't even, frigging, well anyway. I've examined that feeling many-a-time. I've got more to say about the receipts of that, I'll, unpack it to you later, if you want me to. We come out on our own time.