The Kickstarter thing is a minor thing in my life right now, though it would seem otherwise as it's the only thing I've been posting about. Just keeping you abreast is all! Not everyone is fortunate enough to have the dispensable income to do the swag boxes, heck it's only a precise alignment of stars that allowed me to have the dispensable income to do the swag boxes being as I am trying-to-save-money! So I figure it's imperative of me to share these tidbits with everybody, because this may be a bigger part of your life right now than it is of mine!
So yeah here's a list of pledge items that BackerKit says is coming my way. They asked me a survey, and asked me if I wanted any add-ons, and showed me at the end all the pledge items incoming inconnection (?) to swag boxes. There was an option to have all collectable pins on the side for $100, but I'm already getting 3/4ths of the set and, being-as-I-am-trying-to-save-money, am not planning on spending $25 per pin to track down 4 pins (which would come with the physical copies of books for the people who'd ordered those. and. I have no interest otherwise in joining that number.)
Really though like I've said I'm only interested in those swaggy boxbois because of the Stormlight ones. And Cytoverse as well, now that I've finished Cytonic. Eh? I believe I've promised other certain swagboxes to others, don't know if there'll be wearables in those specifically but I put myself as a medium so y'rall being mediums as well. (Looking at it, it's the Hoid and general Cosmere boxes that are having the shirts in 'em. So far.)