Friday, October 27, 2017

Brandon Avalanche (of Emotions)

There's a line in the prologue of Warbreaker (finished it a couple of days ago) that I'd overlooked, but which turns out to be vitally important to the ending, and everything about Vasher's character. He could, of course, achieve up to the Fifth Heightening any time he chose, but that required Vasher to make certain sacrifices that he... shoot I forget the rest.

Vasher could, of course, have up to the Fifth Heightening at any time, if he wished. That would require certain sacrifices he wasn’t willing to make. 

So close. 

I finished up Calamity, as well, last night; I did not expect the storylines to be able to wrap up in time, but they all did. Frigging Brandon Sanderson, pulling those left turns out of nowhere but everywhere at the same time. Guess the Brandon Avalanche is alive and well. But (spoilers-ish for the first two Reckoners books but not as much the last one) Prof's weakness, his fear that keeps Calamity at bay when he faces it, it not being what they thought; finally explaining it, what it was and means, it was like being Bastian reading the Neverending Story, and I suspect it was like that for a lot of people.

I'd have to spoil some very very good twists in order to explain what I mean by any of this, but if you know the twists then you can work it out or whatever. The Vasher thing relies less on the identity of what's being held back so much as it's being held back in the first place though. Can't explain how that ties to the Prof thing, but if you know the secret then it ties itself in.

Anyway there was an art seminar yesterday featuring printmaker and collage artist Wayne Kimball, followed by an artist reception with an exhibit of his work opening, and this morning there was a workshop with him which was awesome. He's...
He's awesome. And it was fun.

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