Saturday, October 28, 2017

Why Not a Horse? (PretzelsVlog no 8)

New vlog up, which I shot yesterday and compiled today. It's a little funny, a little boring. Really should have music in the backgrounds of these; there is a way to add in music after the video's already up, and I think I'll look into that for this one.

When I explain more about videos on my Wordpress blog, that's usually about technical details, behind-the-scenes making of the video itself. But how to describe the emotion behind the words? I think I can talk about that a bit here...

Only three viewings in and the My Little Pony movie is becoming part of my soul in a way that Zootopia never could. Like I said. At least part of the appeal of McKenna was, I admit, the fact that my foot in the doorway with her was going to see Zootopia together as a first date.

I think it's the music.

I could do a whole video on why come the music's so good...

Caught the showing of Dracula tonight; the standby line was surprisingly short, everyone could get in, and I was near the beginning anyway. Script by Hamilton Deane and John L Balderston; it's the 1927 adaptation that made Bella Lugosi famous before he brought the role to the screen as well. 

Way good special effects, they had actual bats and rats play the bats and rats, an actual mirror playing itself, and used actual magicians' secrets to achieve some of the effects. (Apparently there was also a burst of flames at one point, every other night but tonight, and they just forgot to change out the flame burst thing.) 

It was a good adaptation, with just about the right amount of comedic relief; I was really wondering how they'd handle the book's trans-European setting, and, setting it entirely within the sanatorium in Purley, England, apparently? As revealed in the after-performance Q&A, they only changed two lines: one, excising a reference to fondling children, because that doesn't mean the same thing anymore; and two, changing the line they say when they kill Dracula to the line they have in the book, because it's just so much cooler than what the scriptwriters came up with.

Also the script updated the book's setting from turn-of-the-century to "present," with the invention of the aeroplane being an explicit plot point (also incidentally somewhat justifying the setting being exclusively in England.)

And now I really really want to play Fury of Dracula...

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