Sunday, October 29, 2017

Six List

1. We'd planned to shoot some Tony Boi this evening, but Ben, our lead, only arrived right when it was getting too dark to shoot. We snapped some photos for posters and promos instead. Got some really really dope images out of that, with the dark blue of the sky and the red and the green of the neon in the alley. They look great. Tony Boi has yet to have any official social media presence, as we're building up such promotional materials, is apparently what we're doing.

2. Making a tattoo for Wednesday art night (we're designing and printing temporary tattoos for each other.) The designs are actually due by Monday, so that they can all be printed by then; here's mine:

3. Had a dream the night before last, Dad told me to get a girlfriend. ??? So okay then. I'm only going to be here one and a half more semesters, so no long-term pressures or anything. I'mma just be axin ladies out right and left, takin em to go see the My Little Pony movie, and covering the popcorn and soda myself going out to get the refills because I've already seen it.

4. I wrote the day before yesterday about holding myself back or whatever, and I didn't really write about the intended follow-up. I don't need to work some office job or at any restaurants; I've applied for such jobs and never got a word back, so it's time to take a back door, and freelance at something I'm actually good at. There was a Sunday school lesson at church today about genealogy and how important family history is, but then a Sunday school lesson about giving and not expecting anything in return, so I'm kind of torn; I had been going to go around offering my services as a family historian or something, posting up flyers on church bulletin boards around, charging by the hour like I've done before...

5. Listened to last week's Writing Excuses, Serialized Storytelling, this afternoon- there's a lot of writing advice out there, truly really helpful and everything, on how to structure novels and self-contained works, but I've been trying to find out how to structure my webcomic (and man I'm not sure I'm ready, my writing process is very percolative, I can't rush plot points I just can't); the podcast today being on exactly what I've been trying to figure out, was extremely helpful.

6. And then I refreshed the page, and the latest Writing Excuses is there: this week's episode is a primer on NaNoWriMo, and, man I'd forgotten that was coming up, it's right here on our doorstep, 50,000 words in 30 days, maybe I'll actually do that this year, maybe I'm ready to get through TTDECBA this year finally, I've been meaning to post there lately...

7. EDIT: Seventh thing I just remembered; usually Fall semester has Fandomonium[!] on Halloween, but it looks like Fandomonium[!] isn't going on at all this year, as nobody stepped up to lead it or something. Shame; I've been really meaning to have a booth showing off all my Zootopia swag, and this semester was the perfect opportunity to do so...


  1. Please remind me what TTDECBA stands for...thanks...

