Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Hasn't really felt like I've accomplished anything these past couple days. I need to analyze that: what does feel like accomplishment? And why aren't I accomplishing whatever that is?

Some things that I do when it feels like something needs to be done: go to the movies, take a bath. Why these things?

I learned yesterday that in Japan they have these baths called "furo" which aren't for cleaning but just for chillaxing, which is exactly how I use baths? It just feels like, I just need to get naked, and that feels like an accomplishment. Going to the movies, it just feels intrinsically accompl-ish. It's going outside, and getting, well at least that done.

But at the end of the day, what accomplishments are there that feel like I got something done with it (the day)? Not sure. Art, maybe.

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