Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Side Stories

First Advanced Typography class today. I'm not a big fan of what it represents, and how it totally blew my schedule of a few semesters ago to Kingdom Toast bending over backwards to have prerequisites all done for it but then it not even being the semester I'd thought and that all being unnecessary, or whatever the lump happened... but hur my gursh, so worth it.

Well, not totally worth it, having my schedule thrown off and never being able to see the girl I'd thought may have been The One, ever again, but, it's an awesome class, and worth having signed up for it.*

It really, well we basically just sketch letters, is what we do, but that's a great way to, I mean, I'm excited by it, like, this opportunity to do something kinda boring but kinda intriguing, so you have to bring the passion to the table, to make it engaging and to get the most out of the class.

Still I'm glad it's my only class this semester.

Alex and I happened to be on the same team in Overwatch today, not by invitation or anything, but by coincidence; we just happened to be playing at the same time, same mode, and wound up on the same team for a game. We won easily of course.**

* I'm continuing to film and edit this month's vlog, and I've got a couple of options of where to take it, with the editing; I'm excising the side plots, because having everything I'd shot for it would make the thing too darn long, is what I'm doing. And here today as well, this blog entry I've got the option to tell side stories, that make the main story richer. I can do that in the footnotes; in video you... well I guess you could, but you'd have to get creative with it, sounds like a fun challenge. Anyway. After class, there was a girl I've been meaning to ask out, whom I may have told you about before, there outside the classroom, and I could ask her out, is basically what.
** Sup, he asked over chat, and I replied, winning. Which is totally something the Hulk said in Thor Ragnarok. And how that ties into this side plot, as a ward activity tomorrow evening we're all going to Ragnarok, but that's Wednesday, Art Night, and well it's a good thing that Art Night might not be this week, first week of classes and all, because Art Night was totally our date.

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