Sunday, September 30, 2018

september???? still kinda proud but what happened here

This one is like last month's, also unlisted. I wrote in the doobly-doo the reasons:

not listing this one either, *sigh...*
I think the issue with the OBS/Premiere interaction, how they don't play well together making the framerate all jonkity, detaching from the audio track so the lipsync floats randomly etc, is that my OBS had recorded at 30 frames a second instead of 24 (more precisely 23.976 that is)?? I could just look it up why it does that, but it's too late to save this one, and I'm pretty sure I'm right, because I've gone over all other variables.
And everything else was so good, too. The lighting was great, the editing was smooth, I'd composed music to go into the background but neglected to put it in actually but that's fine... Then, at the other end of compilation, all this hard work and, it undercranks on me like a Keystone Kops episode.


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