Saturday, October 30, 2021

Spooky Story 2021

 Okay so every year I post a story and every year I have to go back into the archives to see how I format it with the announcement post the day before- and sometimes I goof on that but I think I'm doing it right this year, post beforehand titled thusly saying "Spooky Story [year]" with a brief introduction, and the next day the post is titled the name of the story and the text thereof, the story. Last year I had no such introduction, but I did write up a bit of a post on November 1st with the intention of backdating it to October 30th... maybe I should actually post that up, it would provide some context for last year's (and this post of this year...)

So I had a couplefew of ideas for what the story would be this year, saving one of them for next year (it would be more appropriate for 2022 than 2021,) and one of them I guess I'll explain in the backdated post I just told you about, this being the part where the context I just talked about would be explained. Hahaha, this is so boring, you don't care. 

So I guess the story tomorrow is going to be called something like, The Cat of the Whispering Leaves. hasn'tbeenfinalizedyetthough

...I haven't posted in ages- I was going to say, on this blog, but really, on anything. Webcomic? Not cancelled, but, it's been, I mean I haven't drawn anything or written anything and even the projects I'm already halfway through I haven't really done much more than poked with a stick before running away. YouTube. Am I doing nanowrimo this year? My job eats so much of my time, but like I actually enjoy it and find it fulfilling, and am good at it even! It was just supposed to be this short temporary thing, for a few weeks or a few months, work on the farm in the meantime before doing crewmember stuff on a filmset once production of that began- but that whole thing was hit by a current events train well before the pandemic struck. 

The Midnight Cat of the Whispering Leaves, that's a little better. At first the villain was just going to be a skeleton or something, but I had a dream this morning where there was, something about, the end of the Doctor Who episode Day of the Moon where Amy's both pregnant and not pregnant, later revealed to be because, her body at the TARDIS is just her actually-pregnant consciousness projected into a not-pregnant Ganger flesh or whatever-- only instead it's of pregnant/not pregnant it's, pile of leaves/a cat. So like, yeah! 

I have not seen a single episode of Doctor Who starring the twelfth or thirteenth doctors. Think the most recent episode I've caught the entirety of is, *sucks teeth,* Nightmare in Silver? I mean I have vague recollections of The Name of the Doctor but was just, so confused, throughout, the entire thing...

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