Sunday, August 7, 2022

Film Tier List: My Favorite Movies by my Favorite Directors

So today we're making tier lists of our favorite films, but I love films too much and needed to limit my tier list some, so decided to make my list of favorite directors instead, choose my favorite films of each of those, and ranked those in a tier list. So there are a lot of great flicks that aren't on this list because their directors are already represented elsewhere on this list (I really vacillated on my favorite Tarkovsky let-me-tell-you)! And there are a lot of great flicks that aren't on this list because like I either haven't seen enough of their directors' movies to really consider them favorite directors of mine though maybe I would if I've seen more of their stuff (Carl Th Dreyer, Martin Scorsese,) or they're great movies by directors whose outputs I generally consider overrated (apologies to Edgar Wright et al.) And it's tough. Like, some of my all time love-with-all-my-heart faves couldn't make it but whatchugonnado. 

In real life all of these movies would be S or A tier (perhaps breaking down along S-A being S's and B-C being A's) but this is like the, GOATs butting heads the way goats do. Rather not get this granular about rankings at all but hey it's fun and, at least in this instance, harmless.

Tried not to go down too deep a rabbit hole with animation directors! But there are like a lot of anime directors that I'm sweating bullets now realizing I forgot. Why'd I include Satoshi Kon, of whose movies I've only seen a couple, but not Masaaki Yuasa or Mamoru Hosoda, when I've seen just as much Yuasa as Kon and almost every Hosoda to boot? It's weird and arbitrary and also has to do a lot with what didn't make this list, like, have you seen the Magnetic Rose segment of Memories? All these directors are incredible but you'll go mad double-guessing your own tastes.

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