Monday, March 13, 2023

(Imperf)Ec(ti)o(n) Made This World

Finished Six Walks in the Fictional Woods today. I did not know that Eco was born in Alessandria, Piedmont; perhaps our ancestors knew one another? Nor did I see the breakdown of the material history of the text of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion coming. 

So we need a sequel to my last post because, I did some light editing after publishing it (my m.o. by this point) and I realized there was an entire section of text that I went over today, which I knew about when I published the last post but forgot to engage with, even though it was perfect for what I was talking about-- imperfection.

Why does a movie become a cult movie? Why does a novel or a poem become a cult book? Some time ago, while trying to explain why Casablanca has become a cult movie, I proposed the hypothesis that one factor contributing to the development of a cult around a particular work is the "disjointedness" of the work.

I'd already scouted the passage because of how perfect it is for the Very Ongoing Project (VOP?) but, uh, it also tied into the themes of, imperfection, that I'd been writing about in last post...

Also I only realized the next day, why was Eco's name the thing in brackets, and not the rest of it? Eco isn't the afterthought there. Corrected in the name of this post.

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