Friday, July 29, 2016

Things in the Mail (I'm Totally Plugging)

Cryptofiction #6 arrived this week, but to the old mailbox; I have updated my mailing address on Patreon but #7 won't come for another month of course. I fortunately still had the key for the mailbox, still having had access to that kind of stuff up until yesterday; I've got no clue where that key is now.

The last two weeks of July the Biomat's doing another one of those get-an-extra-$10-for-your-second-donation-in-the-week deals. Last  week, of course something went wrong preventing me from getting in on that action then (low protein levels); this week, we're moved, different address, and they need physical proof of your address if you want to sell plasma, which wouldn't have been an issue had the Cryptofiction arrived to the address provided on the day that it was shipped (I'd updated it by then,) but apparently it ships to the address provided on the day the deadline for the mailing list is. Which makes sense in retrospect. But for now, it looks like either way I missed the $10 bonus for this week too (it's more than it sounds, alright?)

And so I'm left with the need to find some other way to prove my address change. Which means, ordering something from Amazon to arrive here?

I could have done that the day that the Cryptofiction arrived to the old mailbox, but waited until today to because, I guess there was nothing really I desperately wanted ordered (the only three Dash buttons that I'd actually use: Voss, Perrier, Orangina.) There'd be no anticipation; it'd just be, ordering something just to order it, and I could just have somebody write me a letter if I needed the proof-of-address that badly. But, heck, you know, it'd be nice not to have to wait a month... So I ordered myself, the latest Silversun Pickups album (came with AutoRip so I've already listened to it on my Kindle; isn't the world awesome?) and, shoot, while I'm at it, a copy of WE3 by Grant Morrison art by Frank Quitely? Okay, that should cover it...

Amazon's telling me that if I sink $13.40 worth of qualified books more into this purchase, I can get the shipping for free.

I like free stuff. And you figure, it's not technically spending more, you're just spending more now, on something that was already on your wishlist and hence you were planning on buying anyway. But what book to add to my order, that costs more than $13, that I can't just get on Kindle...?

Rory Scanlon is a professor at BYU. I took one and a half workshops from him at last year's Utah Theatre Association, and his theories on costuming (he is a costuming professor) BLEW my KRUTACKING MIND. The sociology of zones of the body, and how we perceive characters subconsciously based on how those zones are clothed. I could go into it; I'll be a jerk and won't, but bottom line: crazy stuff. He mentioned having written a book, where he goes into even more depth on his theories; I looked it up, it's on Amazon; there's some jerk who wrote a one-star review which kind of scared me off till now (going into the book purely for a figure-drawing lesson. Of course you're not going to do better than an actual, figure drawing, anatomy how-to book for that; the school of costume design, figure-drawing-wise, is this: draw some elongated potatoes into a vaguely human form and then drape from there.) The book still has the theories, though, looking into it today, and it's, a little over $13, so, hey.

I'm actually looking forward to the order arriving now.

For some reason, though, Amazon's between shipping periods? Nothing's gonna start shipping until like, the 8th. Like what the heck...

1 comment:

  1. could have asked your mother to mail you something...just sayin'. Hope you like your new books!
