Tuesday, January 17, 2017


My hands are on fire a little, because lotion gets into cracked skin. But the fire's dying down, and lotion is a wonderful thing to have in this weather. Which is to say, cold. It hasn't snowed in, a few days I suppose; whatever gizmo they put into you to gauge time was never put into me, but it was definitely between the start of this week and the start of the semester.

It's, well I guess I don't see it often or ever, but it's well engrained in my mind enough to call it something of a cliche, let's settle on "trope" then, that everyone driving faster than you is crazy and everyone driving slower than you is a moron; those more devout than I are zealots and those less devout than I are nigh godless. Given. Has this principle, though, ever been applied to character generation/character interactions? Should give it a shot sometime; I wonder if there are defined general categories those would be in, or if that kind of thing applies to different specific traits that would vary from person to person, attitudes on various actual things. I guess I'll just have to pay attention to my own attitudes on people with different thresholds from my own, and try and quantify what those thresholds may be...

Alright, so, today was kind of not-very-productive for me schoolwork-wise, not that it had to be. I should zebrasnatch (zebra collective nouns: herd, dazzle, zeal) if I want a headstart on actually doing stuff tomorrow, so... g'night.

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