Monday, June 11, 2018

Financial Breathing Room; Explaining the 3rd Hiatus

So I'm basically financially settled, enough to... hold on let me check, alright it doesn't look like it's gone through yet but...

Once the refund of the money from my college i-card back to my bank account goes through, I'm good, all my subscriptions can float through for the next couple months and I'll be able to pay for them. After tithing, which I've calculated the exact amount for, and which I'll finally be able to pay, thanks to grandparents' monetary donation upon my graduation. I'm not making any money, and there's only a remote possibility that my position at Camp Fleischmann this summer is going to be anything but volunteer, but I am nonetheless at least not in any sort of debt.

My debt to my sister, from putting me through that last semester, is paid, as of today. I have no debt from college loans or anything. Monthly, I do pay $59 to my Patreon causes; there's $4 or $5 in other monthly subscriptions as well. Those are covered for the next few months. No longer the $29 a month from Adobe, for now... 

I meant to cancel, upon graduation, but only bothered to learn how a few days ago; $60ish had already gone through by this time, paying for a subscription I wasn't using. I meant to get a refund of that money, if possible; even if I had been using Adobe services I would feel skeezy for paying like $40 a month less than I owed now that I'm out of college, so I'd consider it fair if I couldn't get the refund.

I didn't ask for that refund though. Chickened out I guess? There's a 90 day free thing they entice you with if you threaten to quit them, which I accepted but won't be able to use much. Not that I'm using my Adobe anyway, but especially not when I'll be at camp without computer. Still I'm not paying for it; still it's just a palliative.

Urgh. So I had the Adobe this whole time, access to Premiere Pro, the ability to edit a vlog of last month. I only got a few photographs, and no video coverage, of the furry convention, but that still would have made fairly decent vloggage. There's time this month to vlog before setting off to camp, and next month we arrive back with one day to spare to edit and put up a vlog... but no I don't really want to do that. I wonder if I would had I vlogged last month, but the idea that I would only have one day to slap something together was in the back of my mind when I hiatus'd the YouTube channel.

YouTube content for the sake of content is one of the saddest things in the world, so I wouldn't go that route, even with all these content ideas that teem from my brain. Not as easy as that either; I have the ability to write, host, and edit content, but it's one of those triangles where you have to pick two legs of the three, as you'd burn out otherwise. Which...

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