Friday, July 12, 2019

New Moon or Something?

As I held up the ladder for Dad this morning, helping him pick the apricots off of Uncle Jim's apricot tree, an airplane passed overhead and I turned my eyes heavenward. And there, in the northern sky, I saw it- at first I thought maybe a balloon or something, or a plastic shopping bag caught up in the breeze very very very high, but it didn't move, just stayed there a white dot stationary in the vast blue. A planet? A star? We paused and I went to get my camera; maybe EXTREME ZOOM LENS would shed more light or definition on the situation.

My zoom lens isn't all that zoomy though so this is the best I managed to get.

As time went on it drifted across the sky, downward and to the east, getting dimmer and smaller as it went. Here are three different snapshots of it, one taken not terribly long after initial discovery, one taken fourtyish minutes later as a marker for its celestial path, and the third one the last time I managed to find it in the sky, so small and dim and behind the trees from the initial marked vantage point. 

Can't be Venus because Venus is on the horizon in July in the northern hemisphere. I personally think/hope that it's a second, teensy weensy moon that just, like, appeared there today.

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