Friday, September 13, 2019

So Much Eventfulness

I'm not going to blame it on luck; I'm going to blame it on how it pours when it rains and it never rains though it does pour. Because this is all truly, truly fortunate, but nothing happens in my life but when it does it all happens at once.

My first idea for scheduling yesterday's meetup I told you about was for today instead, but there was a doctor thing so yesterday worked better for him. Turns out it worked better for me too, because this morning apparently was time for getting a job, temporarily, until that other thing takes place and I go on location to work on set instead. Working at the barn, helping out with another big construction project. Well and good. Except...

Yesterday this other thing came in, contacted by old college friends of mine who want me to write a piece for the 'zine that they do. It's a great publication and a huge honor, but the deadline is the 30th, and until the news less than a day later, getting thrust into a work position, I'd been kind of going to focus on that primarily. Now it looks like I'm going to have to find time between that and the other thing. Wheee.

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