Sunday, January 8, 2023

Followup on Christmas Wish List!

I guess I'm blogging (at least?) once a week this year; I guess that's technically a resolution. I guess these sound like Mountain Goats lyrics.

I'm reading one (1) chapter a day of the latest Brandon Sanderson, the Secret Project whose name I probably don't have to not-spoil because it's published now; the audiobook I'm listening to right now is The Moons of Barsk. My blogpost next week will probably be a writeup on that! It's good! and weird! And I'd forgotten how good and weird these books are! 

Anyway there's a company called DriveSavers, data recovery people, who are ostensibly sending me some kind of label in the mail so as for me to mail my fried drive to them for them to recover what had been on it. The mail's only coming once every other day or something, right now, so everything has been super slow! But my final few Christmas gifts have arrived; of my wishlist I received That Time You Killed Me on the day itself (which Alex wrote about on his blog), Paint the Roses in the mail a couple of days ago boy did it take a while (we've played it a couple of times; maybe I'll do a fuller writeup of that too), Essential Guide to Comic Book Lettering in the mail like a week ago, still tardy but not as tardy as the other one. And Moons of Barsk I just got for myself on Audible like I said. So, yeah the label is probably coming? The mail being slow has given me the opportunity to peep and tinker inside the computer for a bit more, so we'll see if we even need that service, if the problem even was what we thought it was...

I told you about finding my Playstation! Now I just need to find an HDMI cable that's not in use.

Let's see what else... A Nintendo Switch and the Mission: Impossible movies and Stationfall? I guess I've thought about those yes. There's a Stationfall how-to-play video made using Tabletop Game Simulator, or whatever that Steam thing's name is, so I guess it's available there; I don't have Steam right now! And I'm continually kicking myself for not having saved my Adobe projects to the Adobe cloud they keep on trying to shove down your throat although it really would be a lifesaver to have! My computer is up and running, I've redownloaded a few of the Adobe programs; I'm still writing these from my laptop because right now Adobe is the only thing I'm logged into on the desktop computer.

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