Friday, October 11, 2013


   Don't have much of a plot review for you this time, because I figure I could just show you THE BOOK REPORT I DID ON IT. Just read that post, coming out tomorrow.

  1. The suspense of Starways Congress shutting down the ansible network to kill Jane.
  2. Two words: Bobby. Lands. 
  3. Peter and Wang-mu doing freaking awesome crap on Divine Wind. 
  4. Valentine and Val.
  5. The exploration of the angst of Ender's imagines (yes, that's seriously what they're called- imagines. Ih-may-gin-ese. The world is awesome) would make some awesome cinema.

  1. Pretty much all of it's that. Imagines angsting. It works out fine in book form, but you'd probably need a fine director to bring that to the screen. Like Wes Anderson.
  2. The stuff with the souls bouncing around in space, while fine on the page, is downright trippy. Jane causing a mothertree to bear hyperfast-growing fruit? That's pretty, but... what?
  3. It's said Orson Scott Card just based this philotic science off of Mormon doctrine, so the entire thing could be seen as propaganda. The stuff with Ua Lava I can see that a little, but I don't remember anything in Sunday School Class where it talked about twining to the center of your planet through vibrations of love. Must have missed that part.

  1. The subterfuge scene where Si Wang-mu and Aimaina Hikari have the humility contest, each trying to out-humble the other to show themselves as being the more respectful, would be the single coolest scene in the film if done right (even cooler than the bits with Admiral Lands.) It would also be the most difficult if not impossible to translate to screen.
  2. More grounded scenes like that, balanced against the philotic souls-bouncing-around-in-space scenes.

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