Sunday, August 18, 2019

Angry Burbs v. Ernest&Celestine

There are two primary sapient species in the Angry Birds franchise (well, technically genus in the case of pigs and class in the case of birds, but, species)-- birds and pigs. Eagles are a faction of birds as becomes important THE ANGRY BIRDS MOVIE 2 IN THEATERS NOW, but phylogenetically there are two distinctly evolved taxa with distinctly different lifestyles and diets and habitats and... And the two factions, so opposed to each other, are pigs and birds.


Finland. Rovio is Finnish. You wouldn't expect it to explain that much, but it does.

But watching The Angry Birds Movie 2 (it's hilarious and, though not a perfect movie or anything, really difficult to dislike) the arbitrary which-taxa-are-the-sapient-ones thing reminds me of another beloved-European-property-turned-beloved-movie (seriously The Angry Birds Movie 2 has the highest Rotten Tomatoes score of any video game movie??) Ernest et CĂ©lestine, wherein Celestine is a mouse and Ernest is a bear, and there are mice and there are bears, those are the two families/genuses, and it doesn't make sense why these two taxa? until you remember that the books are Belgian and it's all, oh, oh of course.

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