Monday, December 10, 2012


   Shoot, I don't have much new stuff. Well, I do, but it's not going to go as far as I need it to go to cover two years. I do have a bunch of old archived correspondences with Cailin. I think I'll start to share them here, as
  1. It'll give you some insight into our creative process
  2. Cailin and I are just two great tastes that taste great... together
  3. It's fun to go through other people's correspondence
  4. I just need something to post, and a lot of this is good filler.
   A lot of it is spoilers, so I won't be sharing those with you. A lot of it is also pointless ramblings. I will share those with you, not only because it fills up a lot of space but also because it showcases how both of us are too clever for our own good...s. A lot of it will be edited for spoilers, and to make conversations easier to follow since often we had more than one thread going on at the same time. And sometimes we misspelled stuff, so I corrected most of that. So now, it'll look like we're smarter than we actually are. Revisionist history is a-okay.

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