Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Dreams Are Fascinating and I Pity Anyone Who Thinks Otherwise

So I'm reading What If? by Randall Munroe, not the book but the website itself, and there's a question here about a giant hypothetical slope from one end of the country to the other, and... this all seems familiar. That was a dream that somebody had once, that I read about somewhere, but can't find out about because doing web searches for dreams just yields stupid dream symbolism stuff. 

But the parts I remember are this (could it have been my own dream once?): there's a giant slope, and people are riding bikes down it or something, just like in the What If, there's like a bike race or something... and there was something about, at first I was thinking a dog or a duck but the further I think about it it must have been a turtle, like a giant turtle, who can talk and is a vehicle or something, and something about needing to help its babies or something?, because it was a vehicle itself?, and, maybe it was my own dream, or maybe a friend's, I'm going to have to ask...

But man how great would it be if there were like a wiki of people's dreams, that you could search easily. Not magical or anything, just like, dreams famous people had and mentioned briefly in magazine articles or whatever, and then get stuck in your craw years after reading about them...

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