Sunday, February 24, 2013

Thespis Strip Dated Sunday, February 22, 2009

Click to embiggen.

Collin: Let's get down to pins and needles.
Marvin: I believe the phrase is "brass tacks."
Collin: They have a tax on brass now?
Marvin: It's...
Oohh, Never Mind!
Anyway... Many of you out there were offended by a recent cartoon in which we portrayed the comic strips "Born Loser" and "Marmaduke" as being "cultureless dreck."
To the makers of "Marmaduke," we apologize. We apologize to the strip that hearkens back to a simpler time, a time of American values, and Apple Pie. If our making-fun-of made us seem like Liberal Player-haters...
As to the makers of "Born Loser"...
Marvin: You guys really do suck!


1 comment:

  1. I have to say I like Born Loser, though I think Marmaduke is awful and I can't believe anyone got paid to rehash the same stupid dog ownership jokes year after year. (wow, I usually don't express my opinions so strongly...why does a cartoon bring out such energy of feeling in me?)
