Monday, January 7, 2019

(Around) Exactly One Month Ago

I'm not entirely positive, but I'm pretty darn sure it was one month ago when I last saw my phone anywhere. Been trying to retrace my steps and thinking where I might have lost it- it was in my pocket, and then I woke up and looked for it and it wasn't in my pocket, but I figured okay it's just in a different pocket, and the phone's battery had run out by the time I realized it must have been lost lost.

So thinking about all the things that happened exactly a month ago. The seventh of december was quite an eventful day.

  • mom's b-day
  • smash bros ultimate came out; played a lot of that
  • also the day the avengers trailer came out, maybe that's important
Not that I'm positive that it was the seventh that I misplaced it. For sure I had my phone on wednesday the fifth, because I didn't Instagram that day though definitely should have. (I haven't Instagrammed in over a whole month, but it's definitely not the longest stretch it's been, so that's alright.) I may also have had it on the eighth, which is the day I recorded my SpongeBob YouTube video. There was a lot of going back and forth, getting a lot of takes; I woke up early that day, spent a lot of time in the living room recording...

So yeah there are a lot of options, but I've been pretty thorough in my investigating them. It has been a month of searching. And I really don't know.

EDIT: It was actually the sixth that I recorded the SpongeBob thing; 18 years to the day after the Christmas special premiered. I thought it had premiered on the eighth when it had actually been the sixth, and so though I did record on the correct date, in my head that date was the 8th.

Another thing I misplaced is, I lost Kerrigan this evening playing Starcraft- not lost as in she died (the mission would have ended immediately had that happened); I just literally misplaced her. Our base was under attack and I needed to get her out of there, and I clicked her away to someplace, and... misplaced her. But that's fine, right, that I can't find her, because it's not as though I need to do anything with her after exterminating the Protoss-- what's that? I do need to do something with her at the end of the mission? Well nuts. 

(She was where I thought she might have been, in one of our Overlords. Must have clicked her into one in my panic. I figured as much, but finding the exact Overlord was a bit of a chore.)

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