Tuesday, January 1, 2019

computer issues non-update

desktop: So the computer is, well there's this process and, well first off we got it working again, but the thing that you shouldn't click, got clicked, and reset the reset, so that we were back to the baseline, only, this time the system reset stops responding before it gets even one percent of the way through. Would go into detail if I remembered what anything was called.

Tl;dr nothing's changed, though something had it's back to the way it was.

Laptop: yep it's super dead. Trying to detach one board a from the other but the screw head was stripped, I could remove it by twisting but the connection between the two boards was delicate.

New laptop: Keanu Reeves????

Don't a know when a that's a gonna come.

1/2/19 UPDATE: desktop: now that I've it up in front of me: there's a popup that says sihost.exe - System Warning: Unknown Hard Error. That's what I was talking about. The only option out of it is to click OK. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you click OK. OK is death. We had the desktop working again and Kaellen clicked OK and we were in the same boat again with the desktop just not being there. I thought with the desktop up and rebooted, maybe it would be acceptable to click OK on that warning, but nope. Nope. Nope.

The reason the system reboot didn't work, the reason it froze at 1%, is because the system was already rebooted I guess? Because, I tried it this morning, (alright I just restarted the computer last night and gave up after I couldn't log in, but trying to log in this morning I remembered that you need to attempt a login first to this second useraccount that Kaellen tried making; (that useraccount is fake and you can't log into it, but you need to try to log into it and fail before you can successfully log into the main account: and then logging in should work)) logging in thus this morning and lo!: the desktop is up and working, though it took a few minutes for the taskbar to start working, and the start bar doesn't work if you try to click on it or hit the windows button.

laptop: the hard drive from 3.1 should be usable as an external drive on the new laptop coming. Ordering a, port converter thing from Amazon this morning.

new laptop: trying to learn the arrival date, looking on Amazon, order history, there's nothing there. What the-? It's under canceled orders for some reason. I figured it's because there was that other one from the other seller, which I accidentally added to the cart but might as well spring for the slightly-more-expensive-but-in-better-condition one, which we took out of the cart and that somehow counted as cancelling the order for the other one?, but that doesn't make sense; checking the confirmation email account it turns out the order really was cancelled... but only this morning. So ??? quite mysterious, quite mysterious. Ordered a different order of the same laptop, in the same order as the hard drive disk thing. Fingers crossed that this one doesn't cancel itself.

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