Friday, January 4, 2019

Timing of Ideation

My head is so full of ideas right now. Right now the priority is just to get them out, and then sort them later: all ideas seem like excellent ones if they remain in your head; those possessed of an idea are many, but you only hear of the lucky ones whose ideas were as good as they suspected. Best to be possessed of no single idea at all, give your ideas life by releasing them, allow new ones to grow inside you instead, and sorting out their respective qualities under the later tutelage of perspective. 

It's a tricky balancing act, timing its leavening, the point between your idea being nebulous and still full of potential, and your idea beginning to slip away like a dream. Record too soon, and you squash the idea of the unwritten potentials that would have grown in rumination. Record too late, and too many of its precious rose petals have fallen away into the steam. This may be a life skill just as important as the creativity itself, but I'm no expert on this idea, having only just discovered it myself.

Anyway the idea is about Starcraft and how they have schools in South Korea specifically teaching people how to play at high levels and that's so wild, are there classes on the history of the metagame, can you major in playing Protoss but minor in playing Zerg? Do they have intramural sports teams or do they just play Starcraft against each other some more but as sports this time? A good player can execute 200-300 commands in a minute. That's 5 a second. I can't even blink that fast (I mean that's hyperbole but you get the picture.) It may seem silly and trivial but it's people doing things at mind-bendingly high levels of skill, exactly what sports is meant to celebrate. And it's humbling to think about.

No ideas or anything connected to that, at least not of the creative type, but there might be a seed there, though the nature of these things is that there's no way of telling if our how it will germinate.

(Another thing about writing these down so early, sharing things like this at least, is that I don't know what I'm going to make a video about this week but just eliminated that as a candidate because it's no longer inside me begging to get out. I could still do a video on it, use those ideas and expend on them, but it's just one seed inside that apple.)

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