Sunday, January 6, 2019

Blizzards Lead to Slippery Slopes, Who Knew

Just, like, practicing driving a few days ago, Wednesday or Thursday, and parked outside the school while Dad grabbed something from the inside (come to think of it, not driving at the time, in the truck we'd driven to town in to pick up the car which was parked at DQ while Alex worked and anyway) sitting there suddenly feeling like playing Starcraft for no real reason, just a random jonesing to play this game I'd never played before in my life. I'd played Age of Empires and Empire Earth before, maybe a few more, and I've been researching a lot of RTSs lately for some reason, tracing the evolution of the genre and how it birthed other genres after it and deepdiving into the gamechangers that are woefully obscure anymore*, and I don't know how I got on this path but it's a fascinating one.

Starcrafts I and II being free-to-play now, to tie in with some remastered editions and stuff... And Kaellen saw that Starcraft was on Battlenet when it was open and asked if I played it; I might have forgotten about it if not for that. But I remembered, and I've gotten into it. Hard.

So yeah I've been investing a lot of my time lately cranking through the campaign modes both games; I'm on Zerg level three of the first one, playing a campaign through all three major races, and there's the Brood War expansion I need to play through before I reach even the second one.

And then maybe after that I've really been meaning to get into Heroes of the Storm, because its take on the MOBA genre is just mindbending, the things they do with it from what I've seen...

*Dune II, Herzog Zwei, Warcraft III**... a lot of sequels, really (though the "first" Dune game and the "second" one are basically unrelated, developed at the same time by different studios with the second getting a year's worth of more development.)

**obviously not as obscure nor as innovative genre-wise, but it's the game that directly launched both the MOBA and Tower Defense genres, with the community that rallied behind its level editing software platform. So pretty darn groundbreaking in that regard.

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