Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Now I Almost Actually Understand How People Who Hate the Last Jedi Feel Almost

Watching Incredibles 1 and 2 back-to-back is a terrible idea and I don't recommend it unless you want to get mad. Positives though:

  • You can pretend (and heck maybe it was deliberate) that it's some kind of commentary on comic book time, stories that happen over days or weeks taking months to complete while always being set in the "present" (you know what comic book time is.) People reminiscing over events that took place only a few days ago, as though they happened 14 years ago? Sure, deliberate! Because comic book time!
  • The advancement in technology means that the sequel can be subtle where the original went super stylized. The two don't always mesh, but there are good things that can come out of it. The lighting values in 2 are exquisite. There's some pretty good lighting in the first one but 2 just blows it out of the water in that regard.
  • Now I kinda get what TLJ haters are getting at, like something's totally ignoring everything that's coming before? I don't feel that way about the Star Wars movie of course, but I'd be mad too if they actually did that.

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