Tuesday, September 24, 2013

And Here It Is

   Um, here it is, my first post from my mission. First, and only, actually. I knew that if worst came to worst I could always do this and send out posts via email like I’m doing with this one, but Cailin said if it’s causing me that much of a hassle just drop it, and I realized that in this instance her laziness is actually a good influence on me so I can focus on my work better and all that.

   My mission gets out for me on not the 7th of December (which is two years from when I got out) but the 21st of November- or as early as the 19th, if I understand correctly (my understanding is, there’s a final luncheon on the second-to-last Wednesday of the month and you can just leave whenever you want after that?) So I could get out on my birthday, even. That’d be rad. (I want a PS4. And some books. And we’ll talk later.) 

   I’ll be back, I guess. Yes, there are still going to be posts between then; it’s just going to be kind of intermittent from now on. There are if I’m calculating correctly, 124 days from here till 2015 that there won’t be any posts on; out of about 1 ¼ years (I don’t have the energy to do the exact calculation right now), that’s only about a quarter of the posts (I don’t have the energy to do the exact calculation right now), which I’d say considering the circumstances is pretty good. That means, on average (I don’t have the energy to do the exact calculation right now), 3/4ths of the time there still will be posts, so keep checking back and stuff. I’ll be back, I promise; till then, don’t be surprised if there are gaps (which, again I promise, I’ll fill up from the future as though they never existed. Orwellianism is a go.)

   Though I didn't get all of my posts scheduled, scheduling was still important somehow. A few explanations as to why that is:

  1. There’s a parable/object lesson that I think fits- you fill up the Mason jar with big things, which allows smaller things to trickle down through. I filled up the schedule with the big stuff first (comics, mostly), and then I could work on the littler stuff.
  1. Idle hands- Scheduling so many posts, though I didn't get through with 100% of it, gave me something to do at a crucial time. There were so many non-Kosher ways I could have diddled around online right before my mission. I don’t have the energy to do the math here either. Suffice it to say, many, many ways.
  1. Learning to review and organize. I categorized posts into levels of necessity, what was worth sharing and what was best to hold off on until later, to be expanded. I do have more than the needed number of posts in my “drafts” folder, but I’d rather put out 75% of my 100% than 100% of my 75%. I hope that that’s a good thing. Anyway, I learned to put up only quality posts at the expense of getting everything done. That probably won’t cut it in the real world, but by showing pride in my work, I hope I’m also showing integrity. I don’t think I’d do it again, but maybe I would. Not sure.

   If I had known that it’s not exactly two years, maybe I would have been a little better in my schedulings. Maybe even, a little more inspired. But, ah, oh well. With the 18-20 fewer days that need the pre-posts, maybe those could have been crunched together? I can do that when I get back, as a future-post thing. The world is kind of depressing. (Not the dark, horrible stuff, mind you, but the blazingly awesome stuff.) I think I’ll withdraw from it for a while.

   But I will be back! Have my terrible fan arts improved at all over the course of the mission? What will my thoughts be on that My Little Pony “Equestria Girls” feature (I’ve seen the DVDs at Wal Mart, chill out)? And, some other third hypothetical question? I guess we’ll see!

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