Friday, September 13, 2013


   Achilles is dead, but Bean, Petra, and Peter all have to deal with the effects of his actions.

  1. Opening up in a diner with Hot Soup. Bam, it's Ben Kingsley. He hands Hot Soup a pen, which he reveals to be actually a dart gun by calling it the Mandate of Heaven. There is just so much awesome with that.
  2. Find the embryos! 
  3. The ending sequel hook with Randi.
  4. Virlomi, after proving how crazy awesome and dangerous she can be in the last one, gradually succumbs to her own propaganda, and goes insane.
  5. The jeesh stuff is also cool.
  6. The adorable scene with the letter tucked into the diaper, and the addition of "I love you" to it.


  1. Achilles is dead, which is sad because he was rad. All Peter has to go up against now is the entire Asian theater. Speaking of...
  2. Some have argued that revealing how Peter came into power takes away some of the excitement and mystery of just knowing he became Hegemon of Earth as Locke.


  1. Virlomi dreaming of her old friend Sayagi, who didn't make it out of rebelling against Achilles alive in Shadow of the Hegemon. I'm not sure how big a part he's going to play in that movie, which is what concerns me.
  2. How much to connect the ending of this to Shadows in Flight and Ender in Exile. Do we just focus on its own story, or delve further into that?

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