Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Buridan's Ass 2/2 (English 4/5)

   Which book to choose in the library. It’s not like eating at one restaurant one day and the other one the other day, you know. Books are not meals. You can go without reading and you won't starve (not that I would recommend that,) and you can do nothing but read and you won't gorge yourself (and I would recommend that even less.) I only have a certain amount of time before I have to return the books, and books have to be consumed slowly if they’re full of heady ideas worth thinking about. It takes me weeks to get through a few pages of C.S. Lewis’s nonfiction, for instance; his ideas and logic about theology take a lot of digesting time.

   With choosing between fiction, it’s easy. Do I feel like a science fiction or a thriller (or, you know, a science fiction thriller?) Is there some kind of vast political conspiracy in it? Are there kittens? But with nonfiction, there’s such a wide variety of subjects, from history to arts to sciences, with all the imaginables contained within and between: social and political histories, recent and ancient; architecture and sculpture and painting and graphic design; biology and geology and forensics.

   Hence my dilemma. If I could figure out some way of figuring it out and offering (...?) it, it wouldn't be too bad.

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