Thursday, November 28, 2013

Change Slash Consequence

   A lot of girls compliment each other on how pretty they look, but when I appreciate how another man looks, people find it weird. I  think that, then, is a very feminine aspect of me. I've always sort of admired fashion and treated it as a serious art, so it may spring from that, but I am also still able to appreciate beauty as separate from that, like design: architecture, typesetting, etc.

   But another thing is how girls can compliment each other on how pretty they look, so I can also appreciate handsomeness, in humans, and also especially in animals. If I did not possess this trait, I suppose I wouldn't get as much of a kick out of cats and foxes. The ability to appreciate the "masculine" (an anthropomorphization, of course!) as well as the feminine. There's always been sort of a raw, sexuality, there: a masculine instance of a feminine thing.

   Cats are regarded as feminine inherently, and thus a tomcat we see as being an icon as a libertine. Foxes too. Domestic canines are regarded as being more masculine, and we see how it is that to insinuate someone as being a bitch is a dire insult, which somehow follows. Horses are emblems of great power, because among other things they embody both hypermasculine and hyperfeminine aspects: taut muscular body, long flowing mane, all that, all of those things that are symbols of virility of both sexes.

   Cailin pointed out to me once that when two girls get together and act "sexy," in public and everything still "straight" and not actually doing anything, just pouting and hugging and everything, acting sexy, it's considered sexy. But the very same actions performed by males that way, if two dudes were snuggling together like that, it's considered "homoerotic." Something fails, there, somewhere...

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