Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Sea Dogs?

   I didn't think Cap'n Patches and the Pieces of Eight was all that original when I came up with it. I could have sworn there was a comic book with very much the same conceit out there, called Sea Dogs. But the only time in which one of those seems to have existed is entirely anachronistic from when I remember it. Maybe I've got the name wrong? I've got a pretty good memory of what the cover looked like, at least, and I distinctly remember a review of it in Family Fun magazine. So, there's that. I tried looking up Sea Dogs, Salty Dogs, Pirate Dogs, and Scurvy Dogs, but nothing fit. I did find a lot of other stuff, though, look, see.

   THINGS I FOUND THAT AREN'T EVEN VAGUELY RELATED: There was an adorably stereotypical tumblr page (whose about me reads, I quote, "about me's are too mainstream lol"), a political blog about dogs who hate Mitt Romney (like, actual, real-life, non-anthropomorphized dogs who do this), Ginny the Pirate Dog (a brave little cancer patient chocolate Labrador who has only one eye after the other one was taken out), news articles about those police dogs who can smell the cheaper materials of pirated DVDs, and that Halloween costume of the dog dressed up as the two pirates with its torso as the treasure chest between them. A whole bunch of those. An obscene amount. Really there's no logical reason for that many. That one image takes up almost the whole first page of image results. (Darn you, DIGGers, or whatever you're called. Darn you.) Oh, and a minor leagues baseball team.

   THINGS I FOUND THAT ARE SORT OF RELATED: The closest thing existing to Cap'n Patches and the Pieces of Eight that I found was Jolly Rover, an award-winning and fairly well-received point-and-click adventure game about... well, you can probably guess. Runner-up: David Riley's novella The Pirate Dogs, which is about a world of pirates where dogs happen to have the ability to speak, but, unrelated other than that.

   THINGS I FOUND THAT SCARE ME: Also there was the eerily-similarly-named-to-Cap'n Patches and the Pieces of Eight independent film Pirate Scurvy Dog's Pieces of Eight, which is about a pirate whose name is literally Pirate Scurvy Dog who tells eight stories, about... piracy, I guess. has received zero reviews, so the only clue to its quality we have is the fake quotes on the cover. They looked up Blackbeard's real name for those (Edward Teach), so, it can't be all that bad? Then again, the video is also self-described as "hilarius," which is either a typing error, a genuine oversight, or pirate-speak for "it'll give you all the venereal diseases it was possible to contract as a 16th Century swashbuckler just by watching it, yarr." I myself am leaning toward the latter, because it makes you feel dirty just looking at the DVD cover. Originally I was going to feature a picture of that here, but it made me feel bad even putting it up. (The picture is here, if you dare click on the link- it's safe for work, but I don't think it's safe for the soul, and it will like I said make you feel dirty just looking at it:

   The point is, no matter how deep I dig, I can't find that Sea Dogs comic as it is. Which is a shame, because it looked (looks?) pretty good. Maybe I should try the same thing with pirate cats...

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