Sunday, November 3, 2013

Thespis Strip Dated Sunday, November 1, 2009

Click to embiggen.
Collin: munch munch munch
munch munch munch
munch munch munch
munch munch munch
munch munch munch
These are really good English muffins.
munch munch munch
munch munch munch
munch munch munch
I mean it. I gotta switch brands.
munch munch munch
munch munch munch 

   English muffins? I think Alicia would get this one. Or really anybody in the family, I just wrote it for her? There were, just, some English muffins at the family reunion, is all, and they happened to be good, is all. It's pointless, and that's the point. It's funny. But, um, something actually interesting about this strip. I had to go in and digitally erase something that was written across the entire comic, I LOVE YOU MAN or something like that (It was I ROCK, now that I look at it again) that was written over the comic by one of my fans. Dude just wrote it across the comic, right there (across vertically, not horizontally, thank goodness.) I don't think I had drawn any of it yet, but I had drawn the panels. It took a lot of work to get panels that even, you know.

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