Wednesday, January 29, 2014

It's Really Time You Reexamine Your Place in Society, Boy

   Saying that with a Sean Connery accent would be best. Itsh taime ya reexhamin your plaish in shochiety, boyh. Yeah, like that.

   But I just realized what a loser I am, statistically. Well, not a loser, but how easy it would be to dismiss me. All my demographics, the things I'm into, have traditionally been the path of the unpopular. Too many outcasts. I am a freaking autistic Mormon hipster furry brony manchild. Being the ultimate outsider does have this edge to it, like so-uncool-it's-cool, and of course coolness exists outside of that, but that still doesn't explain how others put up with me when the stereotype is that not much good can come from any of these things individually much less combined.

   It's an elective thing, I suppose. You don't have to if you don't want to. I'm not actively telling you this; I'm not saying these things out loud. It's a written medium, and it's your choice to read or not. With listening, you can ignore it and you can tune it out, but you can still hear it. It requires a bit more effort on your part to read something, though. So I don't have to explain myself to you if you don't want that.

   That's why you're here, isn't it? To see me, well, not, justify myself, to you, exactly. The hear what I have to say and see what I have to show. To look and see and find out just exactly what it means to be like me. Oh, man, I just quoted Comrade Helicopter at you.

   All my life, I guess, I've been in the minority. Or the equivalent, I guess. Being Caucasian male has no real political push anymore, except for subconscious things like being perceived as more trustworthy. We don't have to pay as much for houses, for example, because real estate agents, as human beings, have this implicit bias towards trusting us more.

   I guess, on one hand, I don't need to tell you, but on one hand (and maybe it's the same hand, who knows) I do. Or is it you who needs to be told by me? The only reason I bring it up here is this entire thing is about me spilling my guts and psychoanalyzing myself (I do that so you don't have to do it for me, I guess) and as embarrassing as it is to admit my membership of these groups I suppose it's an essential part of my psychology. Asperger's can be used as an excuse for anything from mild awkwardness to downright rudeness, or even use it as a bragging point, how it makes them more special than the other people in the room. But you really can't change things like that much, as cliché as it to bring it up. Or, no, uh... What, is it passé? Both, I guess.

   But you can't let it stop you, just because you're not entirely unique. You still need something to springboard off of. Is it so popular now it's no longer cool? Or are you ashamed for the others? The things I like I like because they're awesome things.

   So here I am.

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