Sunday, October 19, 2014


   Psalm of the Jester is written in a poetical form that I call the Schooner, because schooner is better than... better than any of the other names for invented forms of poetry that I came up with. I didn't expect you to guess the name, and I'm not sure how obvious the rest of it is, but how much of this could you figure out?

  1. Six stanzas of five lines each.
  2. Five words per line.
  3. A/B/A/A/B rhyme scheme.
  4. The last word of the last line of the last stanza is the first word of the first line of the first stanza, the penultimate word of the last line of the last stanza is the second word of the second line of the first stanza, the antepenultimate word of the last line of the last stanza is the third word of the  third line of the first stanza, et cetera and on up the lines of the last stanza and down the lines of the first five stanzas.
  5. Because of this, the first words in each of the lines of the last stanza all rhyme with the B rhyme.
   I'm not sure if such an intricate scheme of poetry is really good for anything other than the poem I've already written, but poets have a tendency to surprise you.

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