Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Our Lady

Paris is a hale city. She lives long. I remember what I was doing when I learned about 9/11 (waking up?) and I'll probably remember what I was doing when I heard about the fire as well. (Learning about 9/11?)

urgghhh I'm always just so late, not just "so late" but "just so" late. since I don't have to rush this anymore, getting it posted midnight the day after, I might as well go into more detail.

(Had the idea today *well yesterday, I schedule the posts beforehand which give me motivation to go in there and at least get something, before it just posts up as blank. And also allow me to polish.)

Late today (though I knew I'd probably be posting on this) because I was doing an extra helping of Duolingo, getting through an entire level of French on the topic of Paris. See what they had to say, see what's mentioned in the lesson. Notre Dame est dans le premier arrondissement. The Eiffel Tower is in the, what, seventh, eighth?

Also played on the latest Overwatch map, Paris, today? Not sure where exactly that takes place in the city, geographically. Somewhere on the Seine. You can see the Eiffel Tower from it.

I don't know. The 9/11 stuff I was learning about had to do with society's reaction to it in our arts, the impossibility of traversing that fine line between paying appropriate respect to tragedy, in a monetizable form, vs actually profiteering off it. Not that these tragedies are all that comparable; it's just something I'm struck by, via coincidence in time and space.

When I was a little kid I didn't really give a crap about people living way the heck off in New York, but I care about this.

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