Saturday, April 13, 2019

Too Much or Not Enough Break

I've got tomorrow's video, like, written for the most part, or whatever, but shooting it is kind of stressful because of all the gaps that aren't written that I just have to like ad lib my way through, and also the image isn't turning out like it is in my head, and also I just want to go to bed, but I know I'll thank myself massively if I just get my crap done sooner rather than later. But I still need a break.

So I'm writing this.

So Sō anyway; went to this concert this evening instead of filming, and I really don't want to talk about this right now either, but there's not much that I want to do right now. But a lot that I want done.

The thing about percussion especially is that there's nothing there to hold the audience's hand, not much structure either so it's tough to gauge how far into a piece you are just by listening to it. Everyone in the audience is left to their own interpretation of meaning, everyone experiences the same thing but thinks their own thoughts about it. There's a story there, but everyone has to tell it to themselves. Structure is what one wants it to be.

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