Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Technically Fired Technically

Okay so today would have been my first workday since Sunday but- I mean I did go in today but not to work- turns out there was a problem with the I-9 form (I figured having to do with the part where you need to provide two forms of identification but that wasn't it.) What it would up being was something like this: that my social security number on the form didn't match my real SSN; it didn't flag it earlier because it was also the wrong SSN from my application. They couldn't fix it itself, apparently, and so what needed to happen was this: that I be let go, and rehired under a new corrected application. There were some steps of this process that can only be started tomorrow at the earliest, so I couldn't go in to work today.

I mean I've been really torn over do I even like my job, I like the milk part of it but there's also eggs involved and that's rough, not to mention a host of other expectations they don't tell you about, and, the pay's not fantastic but it's the highest wage I've ever earned, and, am I going to be stuck doing this forever, and, the work's alright but the schedule is terrifying especially because I'm so used to being free, and even so it'd be nice to have a bit more wriggle room and/or the foreknowledge of exactly which days I'd be working more than a couple of weeks out, and how likely is it that time off would be approved...

But I wanted to go into work today anyway, even though I couldn't, so I guess that answers that question.

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