Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Game of Perfect Sense

   Well, I certain enjoyed my own nightmares last night. How about you?


   So, I've got a new idea for a board game. It's like Sorry, or Mousetrap, I guess. The winner is the one who doesn't get poisoned. Game play occurs on a circular board. This board is split into five sections, each a different color. You navigate these sections using your senses for each of the colors, and attacks by other players in these sections take your senses for that section away. There are three senses to lose: your sight, your hearing, and your smell. I left out taste and touch because I really can't think of any way to guard against attacks to those. As for assaults against the other senses, there's a deck of cards which has protections against those: safety goggles to avoid attacks to the eyes, earplugs to avoid attacks to the ears, and a clothespin to avoid attacks to the nose. These defense cards only work against one attack and are then discarded, and that's too bad if the attack is against a sense you didn't guard. You lose when all three of the senses of any one of your five colors are gone. Maybe that would make the game too short, but I really don't know how many people can play, or how easy it is to attack other players' senses. Really I just wrote it down here so that I could forget about it. It sounded just as lame in my head. Actually, it sounded lamer, because in my head there was no penalty (losing your senses) to losing your senses, and I thought of it while I was writing this.

   I have a mock-up of what the game basically looks like. This is just to illustrate the levels of the board (you can only attack those on lower levels, perhaps?) Note that the entire thing is subject to change, and there's really no visible mechanism to lose your senses as of yet. (How exactly does smell factor into this? How can smell factor into it?) No matter:

(I made it small so that you can't read the rules written down there very well. Remember, these things are still subject to change.)

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