Friday, April 27, 2012

My First Blog

   For those of my readers who live in the world of my dreams, remember to check out the astonishing data dump that is the other blog that I used to keep there. I bring this up now because I just remembered that I even have it. And, don't confuse that dream blog with my other other dream blog that isn't this one. You know, the one with the long and pointless name which I don't even bother to remember in the real world, something like, or something, but it's not quite that, so you don't have to bother taking that domain name up. It's not that one.

   This one, which I restumbled across poking around the dream internet last night, is hosted by like a wiki or something instead of a server specifically for blogs. It didn't even start out as my own. I just "borrowed" it from some other guy. The details are a little sketchy as of yet, as I am remembering them from a memory of a dream from a dream (make your own Inception reference here), but they are coming to me. I think there was some Comrade Helicopter stuff, along with some Star Wars RPG stuff maybe, which would make sense as I was interested in that elsewhere in my dreamspace. I'm also getting Barney. The dinosaur. And some school stuff, but, not like that: from what I can tell, it's like some fictional school?

   I'm seeing a black background, right formatted, the text is in a box to the right. You know what? It'd be easiest if I just project the image of it from my imagination onto real life. I had to extrapolate some stuff, but here you go:

A real thing.

   Funnily enough, the story of how I got the blog in my dreams mirrors the story of how I'm trying to hijack the domain from the elusive jennyzb for my Artificial Winter wiki. There's stuff there, just it's not very good without being able to personalize the wiki. As hard as I try to contact her, I see only one way in. Does anyone know what some statistically common passwords are for a female teenage Hispanic? 

   Well, I guess that's it. Be sure to visit it if you're ever in my dreams sometime. I'm not sure what the domain name is, but I'm sure you can link to it from my wiki stuff. Seriously, it's the getting into another person's dream that's the hard part. It's a cakewalk after that. Before that, though... Well, I'm sure they've got some kind of technology like that in heaven. You'd just have to die to get to it.

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